Safe Pro Pest | Pest Control Frisco TX

Pest Control Frisco TX: 4 Tips for Bed Bug Free Travel

Pest Control Frisco TX

If you’ve ever dealt with bed bugs, you know that they are notoriously hard to get rid of and will probably require the intervention of a pest control Frisco TX professional. When you travel frequently, your probability for picking up a nasty bug or two increases dramatically. And no, we’re not talking about the flu or a bad cold. We’re talking about those dreaded bed bugs. The mere mention of bed bugs is enough to get most people’s skin crawling, and not just because of the bites and blood they leave behind. Not only will they completely infest drapes, furniture and beds, but they can also be picked up on seats in taxis, trains, buses, and even movie theaters. Here are some helpful tips and guidelines you can use to make sure you don’t have any six-legged stowaways the next time you travel.

Pest Control Frisco TX: Inspect for Bed Bugs

When you get to your hotel room, the first thing you should do is inspect the mattress seams by pulling the sheet back, making sure to pay extra special attention to the corners of seams of the mattress. Any brown stains or spotting is a tried-and-true sign of bed bug activity, so you should contact the front desk immediately.

Pest Exterminator Frisco TX: Double Check

Once you’ve checked out the mattress, turn your attention to the rest of the room. Bed bugs are hardy and not picky about where they hang out. Important places to scope out are any sofas or chairs that may be in the room, as well as behind the headboard.

Pest Control Services Frisco TX: Relocate

The hotel should offer to move you to a new room immediately if you do discover bed bugs in your room. However, it is important to make sure they do not relocate you to a room that is either next to or directly above or below the infected room. Bed bugs are very resourceful and have been known to spread through wall sockets and even on housekeeping carts.

Pest Exterminator Frisco TX: Deflect

Though this may seem like overkill, wrapping your suitcase in a trash bag for the duration of your trip will ensure that any bed bugs that may travel to your room at least won’t be going home with you. On a similar note, packing and storing your clothes in a Ziploc bag will also keep bed bugs from infesting your travel duds.

Call Safe Pro Pest for any Pest Control Needs

If you think you have a problem with bed bugs, call us at Safe Pro Pest. Safe Pro is a full-service pest control company in Plano specializing in pest, termite and rodent control services. We promise to provide our customers with high quality, affordable and timely pest control Frisco TX. We help you understand the different pests invading your space, and we offer effective solutions for all your pest, termite and rodent control needs. Call Safe Pro Pest at (214) 773-9548 today.

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