Safe Pro Pest | Pest Control Frisco TX

Say Goodbye to Mosquito Infestations: A Homeowner’s Guide to Mosquito Treatment

mosquito treatment

When it comes to discouraging mosquitoes, residential mosquito treatment is the most appreciated solution worldwide and Frisco & Plano, Texas aren’t any different. Mosquitoes are famous for quick breeding and infecting people with more than 35 deadly diseases including Zika and West Nile. Mainly, they make your backyard their home and can easily ruin a family gathering or BBQ with incessant swatting and itching.

Here the treatment comes into the picture as a lifesaver from these notoriously unpleasant pests. In residential mosquito treatment, exterminators use professional resources like mosquito foggers and misting clouds to safeguard your family from these party crashing guests. You may see them displacing flower beds, chlorinating swimming pools, and emptying standing water during the backyard mosquito control.

You might also have a question in mind about how to get rid of mosquito bites because they can infect you and your family. Meanwhile, you can follow some tips for backyard mosquito control and protect your property from these invaders.

Let’s explore the top tips you can use for residential mosquito treatment:

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Tips for Effective Backyard Mosquito Control:

Displacing Flower Beds

Female mosquitoes need moisture and water to thrive for quick breeding. With moist soil, your backyard becomes a perfect option for mosquitoes to create nests in your flower beds. You can try destroying the nests by displacing your flower beds wherever you spot mosquitoes nesting in your backyard. For example, you can move a flower bed from a shaded moist area to a drier sun exposed area.

Destroying breeding grounds within your flower beds not only stops reproduction but discourages mosquitoes from entering your property in the future. As it is an effective solution, it is one of the major processes of residential mosquito treatment practiced by exterminators.

Cleaning Gutters

Mosquitoes can survive anywhere they find water to thrive. Your overfilled gutter may be a perfect home for these disease-causing pests. Thus, make sure you get your gutter cleaned timely to discourage mosquitoes.

No doubt cleaning the gutter is an effective solution, but it may not be the task you would like to do by yourself. That’s why it is recommended to hire a mosquito exterminator to execute this backyard mosquito control solution.

Also, keep your children away from the extermination area to protect them from mishaps. For example, the exterminator could find wasps within the gutters which would pose a risk to your family during the removal process.

Chlorinating Swimming Pool

Your beautiful swimming pool in the backyard may also become a source of water for mosquitoes. Meanwhile, you can prevent this by chlorinating the water in the swimming pool.

Chlorinated water completely discourages the mosquitoes to breed in your swimming pool and helps in preventing the family members. Chlorinating the water is an effective DIY solution to get rid of mosquitoes. However, use an accurate amount of chlorine according to the size of your swimming pool. If you have any confusion with the density, you should call an expert for the desired outcome.

Mosquito Misting

Mosquito Misting is one of the most innovative solutions to keep mosquitoes away from the property. Proper lines, tanks, and filters are installed to kill mosquitoes from every single habitat. It is a quick residential mosquito treatment and can kill all the mosquitoes within 15 minutes.

Mosquito misting needs professional resources like misting tanks and filters. At Safe Pro Pest Control we utilize products that are safe for your family. We recommend you hire trained exterminators for effective residential mosquito treatment that do not expose your family to chemical health risks. Our Professionals usually check the misting system every month and schedule the misting between 3 am to 6 am for better convenience.


Pesticides are the lenders of last resort. They not only remove the mosquitoes, but their smell also discourages their entry in the future. All you need to do is sprinkle the pesticides wherever you think mosquitoes are infesting or can breed.

Pesticides are an effective backyard mosquito control solution to get rid of mosquitoes. However, they have some poisoning issues, and you require a PPE kit for better safety. Conscientious professionals use synthetic pesticides that kill mosquitoes and are safe for mosquitoes as well. Make sure to ask your exterminator about the products they use and the safety risk they may pose.

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Why Mosquito Prevention is Important for Families?

As discussed earlier, mosquitoes carry a variety of deadly diseases with them. If a family member has a more vulnerable immune system or is at risk, it is best to avoid unnecessary exposure to these threats.

Besides focusing on how to repel mosquitoes, you must know why residential mosquito treatment is important. Here are some reasons that make mosquito prevention important for your family.


Diseases are what make them deadly pests. Mosquitoes spread more than 35 deadliest diseases including malaria, dengue, Zika, West Nile, and yellow fever. While some of these diseases may have treatment, others surely affect the wellness of your family. The health of elderly people could be significantly compromised if infected.

Mosquito treatments

safeguard you and your family from mosquito bites. In residential mosquito treatment, experts use professional resources to discourage mosquito bites. You may see them using mosquito foggers and misting tanks to keep you protected.

Different Ways of Spreading Diseases

Along with diseases, how mosquitoes spread them is also a threat. Mosquitoes usually infect people through their bites. Meanwhile, they can also infect you by making your food unhygienic and poisoning the drinking water.

Mosquitoes infect more than 700 million people and take 1.5 million lives every year because of their unknown infestation. So, it’s better to avail of mosquito control services instead of suffering from the deadliest diseases. A mosquito exterminator knows how mosquitoes target your family and exterminate them accordingly.

Uncertain Bites

Mosquitoes are full-time workers, which means they can bite you anytime throughout the day. Their bites are the main weapon that helps them thrive in your blood, spread diseases, and leave itchy bumps.

Preventative measures are always more worthwhile than spending money on health treatments. In simple words, you should prevent yourself from mosquito bites instead of suffering from the deadliest diseases. You can try using repellents, destroying habitats, wearing full sleeves, and hiring a professional for mosquito control services.

Quick Breeding

Mosquitoes take no time to convert into hundreds behind your back. They create habitats and breed wherever they find moisture or standing water. As they breed quickly, it becomes difficult to manage the infestation using DIY home remedies.

That’s what makes mosquito prevention important to safeguard your family. It is recommended to destroy mosquito habitats or breeding sites before they convert into hundreds. If you have an uncontrollable infestation in your backyard or garden, outdoor mosquito control is a perfect solution to protect your family.

Different Types

We mainly see a tiny black pest wandering around the house. Meanwhile, you will be surprised to know that there are more than 85 mosquito species with specific traits. Among all, Aedes Aegypti, Albopictus, culex, and southern culex are the common types of mosquitoes in Texas.

Their size makes it difficult to identify and spread various diseases throughout the day. Aedes mosquitoes spread yellow fever whereas southern mosquitoes are responsible for the West Nile virus. So, mosquito prevention is necessary for you to keep your family protected from these different pests.

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Additional Tips to Get Rid of Mosquitoes safely and naturally:

Empty Standing Water

Emptying standing water is one of the best ways to get rid of mosquitoes naturally. By doing this, you will discourage the mosquitoes to breed and create new habitats. They will automatically leave your property if they do not get water to thrive.

Mainly, we have retained water in plants, old tires, and ground holes. Clear the retained water from all the places you spot for naturally discouraging mosquitoes. Also, it maintains hygiene and prevents infestation of other pests on the property.

Use Body Repellent

Body repellent is an effective solution to keep mosquitoes away from you and your family. It creates a layer of repulsing ingredients to discourage mosquito bites. Along with that, the mosquitoes may leave the property as they cannot soothe their hunger from your blood.
Body repellents are safe and child-friendly. You can easily apply them to the areas mosquitoes mainly target like legs, hands, forearms, and neck. Also, repellents protect you and your family from several diseases spread by mosquito bites.

Natural Repellent

Natural repellents are amongst the best backyard mosquito control solutions. Some natural repellents like lavender, peppermint, and lemon oil exterminate the mosquitoes from your property. They create a repulsive environment on the property and discourage the mosquitoes with their smell.

It is a safe and natural solution to repel mosquitoes. The repellents smell fruitful to humans but are not appreciated by mosquitoes. Hence, mosquitoes do not create habitats in your backyard and leave them if there is an infestation. That’s why it is considered an effective DIY mosquito yard treatment.

Discourage Bites

As discussed above, bites are the main weapon for mosquitoes to soothe their hunger. You can try preventing mosquito bites to get rid of them. Also, it will protect you from suffering from the deadliest diseases including Zika and West Nile.

There are various ways in which you can discourage mosquito bites. Wearing full sleeves, using body repellents, and keeping doors and windows closed may protect you from mosquitoes. Once they stop getting blood to thrive, they will automatically leave your place to survive and breed.


What Do You Need to Know Before Contacting a Mosquito Exterminator

Undoubtedly, DIY solutions are helpful, but they may not be very effective during outdoor mosquito control. Thus, you need to avail yourself of professional mosquito control services for a permanent solution to these troublesome pests. You may have multiple choices but choosing a worthwhile option is important.

Have a look at some facts you must know before contacting a mosquito exterminator:

Professional Products

There are some professional resources designed to kick out stubborn mosquitoes from your property. Whenever you call an exterminator, always ask whether he uses advanced products or not. You can ask about resources like mosquito foggers, misting tanks, and In-2-Care for worthwhile mosquito treatment.

Whether you want indoor mosquito control or outdoor, these products help in getting the expected outcomes. So, always look for a mosquito control services provider with professional resources to get rid of mosquitoes.

Make sure to ask about any health risks. At Safe Pro Pest we pride ourselves with using safe techniques and products that do not put your family’s health at risk.

Trained Exterminators

When it comes to exterminating mosquitoes, only resources may not be enough. You require the help of trained exterminators to protect your property from mosquitoes. So, make sure the service providers have reliable experience and expertise to meet your requirements.

An amateur may somehow manage mosquito extermination, but you will always find gaps in his work. So, it is important to consult a trained mosquito exterminator for the expected results. You can get information about the specializations of a provider by visiting its website and reading customer reviews.

At Safe Pro Pest Control, we have over 699 five star reviews in Plano TX and 1578 five star reviews in Frisco TX so you know you can count on the quality of our work!

The Density of Infestation

The density of infestation always affects your decision to call exterminators. It may not be worth calling professionals if you had spotted a few mosquitoes on your property. In minor infestations, you can get rid of mosquitoes by using some DIY solutions.

Meanwhile, if you have an uncontrollable infestation in your house, that’s the right time to contact a mosquito exterminator. Some service providers do offer free visits and quotations to their customers. In case you are not sure about the density, you can schedule a free visit by contacting the exterminators.

Scheduling The Inspection

Besides the above aspects, scheduling the inspection accurately is also important. Professionals use synthetic sprays with a PPE kit to kill mosquitoes in their houses and prevent future infestation. However, it may not be healthy for you if you inhale the anti-mosquito solutions which is why you don’t want to apply these products yourself.

It is recommended to schedule the extermination from 3 am to 6 am for better safety. At that time, your family members will not be in your backyard and exterminators can do their work in the way they want.


SafePro Pest — Your Residential Mosquito Treatment Experts

Mosquitoes will keep your guests inside and put a damper on the best planned gathering. They have been considered responsible for spreading various diseases around the world. Their bites may be normal to you but can infect you with Zika or West Nile virus anytime. So, it’s better to hire a professional for residential mosquito treatment and get rid of mosquitoes before the infestation reaches the next level.

From backyard mosquito control to treatments, there are professionals to safeguard you and your family. Just make sure you contact professional exterminators like Safe Pro Pest Control with 2,000+ five star reviews with advanced safe products for an expected outcome.

SafePro is the best residential mosquito treatment company in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. With 15 + years of experience, we are one of the most recognized companies in Texas that look after Texans’ safety and wellness.

If you’re looking for a residential mosquito treatment service in Texas, we got you covered! You just have to dial 214-773-9548 and we will help you get rid of mosquitoes TODAY!

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